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[RSS Pluginy] Report plugin

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This is my first post on AM so I hope the format is correct.

short description
basically someone on the server says !report <reason> or !report <username/id> <reason> and it'll add it to a database and then I have a discord bot written in NodeJS to watch for reports and post them in a channel that you have set! The bot itself has commands to block people from reporting and unblock people from reporting

Anyways this plugin I have created here requires you to have a discord server as I'm sure most communities at this point do. I'm not sure what games this will run on other than TF2 because that's all I've tested it on. This was pretty much my first time creating a plugin and also creating a discord bot, so I give it as it with no warranty. Do with it as you please fix it up as you want, or even message me with suggestions on how to make it better! There is a README.txt file I will be including on how to set this up. I should also mention I edited the to be able to make the plugin work as I wanted, so I will also include my modified version of I hope you guys find it as useful as the Vatican has!

Please post any questions below and I will try to get to you ASAP

Attached Files (14.1 KB)

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