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[RSS Pluginy] [ANY / ZR?] CountdownHUD - Countdown timers based on messages from maps.

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[ANY] CountdownHUD

Detects whenever the map says a message that contains a timer, and counts down the exact message on a game_text hud. Has support for most phrases (feel free to tell me which ones don't work), and changes the exact message given from the map. The plugin is made for ZR servers to tell people when things are happening, but it should work on non-ZR servers.

Server ConVars
  • sm_cdhud_version - CountdownHUD Version (1.6)
  • sm_cdhud_position - The X and Y position for the hud. (Default: "-1.0 0.125")
  • sm_cdhud_color - RGB color value for the hud. (Default: "0 255 0")
  • sm_cdhud_symbols - Determines whether >> and << are wrapped around the text (Default: "1")
Plugin has support for all the phrases I've seen on any ZE map, if you have examples of phrases that don't work, please tell me so I can add them. The plugin also filters out symbols in its detection methods, so that phrases that have symbols in them in any place will still work. It also has support for phrases where the number and the word are combined (e.g 30sec)
Examples of phrases:
  • ***The door will open in 30 seconds***
  • >>The door will open in 30 sec<<
  • ###The door will open in 30s###
  • ***The door will open in 30sec***
  • 30sec
  • 30
Examples of phrases that are blacklisted to not trigger the plugin:
  • Powerup cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Recast 30sec


Known Bugs
  • If the initial chat message contains two of the exact same numbers and is being counted down, the plugin will change both of those numbers. (e.g Door 30 is opening in 30 seconds -> Door 29 is opening in 29 seconds)
  • 1.6 - Plugin Release

If you find any bugs or find any phrases that don't trigger the plugin (or any that shouldn't), feel free to give feedback so I can fix the plugin.

Attached Files sp.gifGet Plugin or Get Source (countdownhud.sp - 6.7 KB)

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