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[RSS Pluginy] [TF2] SMFire

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this plugin allows you to manipulate/edit entities in-game.

sm_fire <target> <action> <value> | ADMFLAG_BAN

!self - "yourself"
!picker - "target under your crosshair"
@playername - "playername"
*index - "entity index"
!all - "every player on server"
!blue - "every player on team blue"
!red - "every player on team red"
!bots - "every bot on server"
#targetname - "targetname of entity"
classname - "classname of entity"
data (full) - "displays entity id, classname and targetname (more info if you write data full)"
removeslot <slot> - "remove a players weapon slot (0-5)"
stun <duration> - "stuns a player"
setname <name> - "sets targetname for entity"
kill - "kills entity or forces suicide on player"
addorg <x> <y> <z> - "adds origin to entity"
addang <pitch> <yaw> <roll> - "adds angles to entity"
setorg <x> <y> <z> - "sets origin for entity"
setang <pitch> <yaw> <roll> - "sets angles for entity"
copy <x> <y> <z> <pitch> <yaw> <roll> - "copies entity to given location with angles (only works with props)"
class <tfclass> - "sets players class"
setheadscale <value> - "sets players headscale"
settorsoscale <value> - "sets players torsoscale"
sethandscale <value> - "sets players handscale"
resetscale - "resets all scales to 1"
fp or firstperson - "enables firstperson for player"
tp or thirdperson - "enables thirdperson for player"
teleport <target> - "teleports entity to target"
addcond <value> - "adds condition to player"
removecond <value> - "removes condition from player"
when using !aim as target you can use one of the following actions:
data - "displays trace startpos, startang, endpos and entity hit"
prop <modelpath> - "spawns a prop_dynamic at crosshair location"
create <entity name> - "creates an entity and stores it"
delete - "deletes stored entity"
value <key> <value> - "adds keyvalues to stored entity"
spawn - "spawns the entity with given keyvalues"
Datamap Manipulation
If you type a datamap as action it will output a value for it or you can edit that value if possible.

sm_fire <target> <datamap> <value>

sm_fire !self m_flGravity 0.3 - "sets the clients gravity to 0.3"
sm_fire !picker m_iMaxHealth - "shows client the max health of picker."
sm_fire @pear m_flMaxspeed 370 - "sets pears maxspeed to 370"
sm_fire *6 m_iName - "shows client the targetname of entity with index 6"
Everything else will be treated like ent_fire.
sm_fire <target> setmodelscale 5
sm_fire <target> addoutput origin 0 0 0 (do not use quotes)
sm_fire <target> color 255+0+32


Please note:
- only for tf2, will make non-tf2 version in the future
- still has lots of bugs
- my first plugin published

Source on github:

feedback is much appreciated! :3

Attached Files sp.gifGet Plugin or Get Source (smfire.sp - 25.3 KB)

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