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TeamSpeak developer, TeamSpeak Systems, is working on a new client version, TeamSpeak 5, promising a long-awaited feature and long-awaited design update.

The progress between TeamSpeak 2 and TeamSpeak 3 was tremendous. Well, after almost 9 years, the developer announces another upheaval: TeamSpeak 5 is to come. And this at the end of this year.

Particular attention is paid to the redesign with the new version. TeamSpeak gets a new logo, a new website and a new design. Everything a bit fresher, more dynamic ... just younger and not so much ... Windows 98. But whoever thinks that TeamSpeak is breaking away from its foundations has been a long way off. TeamSpeak wants to combine much more of the best of several worlds.

The TeamSpeak developer on plans from 5.0: "The main feature is the new logo, which clearly shows that gaming is the focus of the software, and the goal of TeamSpeak is to provide a voice-over-IP solution, ultra-fast transmission The new slogan "Your Team." Your Rules also refers to the variety of configurations that TeamSpeak offers as speech software for the user not just a VoiP provider: TeamSpeak is for gamer gamers, TeamSpeak has also redesigned its homepage, and now 3D space navigation is used to find out everything about TeamSpeak and its features TeamDeals, where fans have the option of time-limited and limited merchandise of their favorite language to acquire software. Further details about the TeamDeals will follow shortly. "

What made TeamSpeak always likeable, that they take the privacy of their users very seriously. While today not only diverse communication tools but also a completely new industry are financed by personal data of their users, TeamSpeak remains true to its philosophy.

  • No transfer of personal data to third parties
  • No advertising
  • No spam
  • No capture and collection of an individual digital footprint
  • The user retains the sovereignty over all data in connection with his TeamSpeak server and client

The fact that TeamSpeak is really serious about the security of their software is also proved by the recently published job advertisement of the TeamSpeak developer. For example, TeamSpeak is currently looking for a "system developer cryptography (m / f)" on the job portal.

TeamSpeak also wants to get back to basics - to gamers. But do not forget the newly grown audience. The people who just use TeamSpeak to talk to their friends and acquaintances - without spending a minute in a game. TeamSpeak wants to master the balancing act between these two user groups by not only maintaining important arguments, which clearly speak for TeamSpeak since the beginning, but also to expand them further while integrating features that are of interest to gamer communities. So the developer works alongside a variety of new features, including a twitch integration for TeamSpeak.

Commenting on the move, Ian Bamford, CEO of TeamSpeak USA, Inc., said: "We are starting a new chapter with TeamSpeak, which will be opened by the new design and a revised homepage, when I see that we are currently on limited merchandise With a great variety of new features, including a twitch integration and, above all, the new TS5 client, I am looking forward to this fiscal year and looking forward to the future, our goal is to provide our TeamSpeakCommunity with what they do has earned and continues to offer our service on a world-class level. "

He also says: "In addition, TeamSpeak Systems launches its own live streaming format, TeamSpeak TV, which produces various content in German and English several times a week from the newly established studio in Munich in cooperation with All Your Base, a Munich-based production studio the TeamSpeak Esports Masters, a $ 3,000 Rocket League tournament, with more broadcasts focusing on video games, cosplay and entertainment, all of which will continue to be developed and broadcast by All Your Base. "

In addition to the plan to make TeamSpeak more interesting for e-sports, the developer also keeps promises to maintain the best voice quality with the least amount of resources, continue to make extensive settings options of their own server base and keep their software always far-reaching data protection provisions , That should satisfy both gamers and other users.

Ian Bamford clearly defines the goal of the TeamSpeak company: "Our goal is to provide our TeamSpeak community with what it deserves and continue to offer our service at world-class levels


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W dniu Tue Jun 12 2018 o 10:42, Inga napisał:

Serwery podrożeją :D


W dniu Tue Jun 12 2018 o 16:06, noskillPL napisał:

Jeśli się wie, skąd kupować to nic nie podrożeje, jedyne co się może zmienić to design, ale wydaje mi się, że w minimalistyczny sposób jak już w ogóle. Tak samo mogą dojść dodatkowe, bardziej zaawansowane zabezpieczenia przez różnego rodzaju atakami, aczkolwiek są to tylko spekulacje, co będzie to zobaczymy z czasem. :)

Serwery są przecież darmowe

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