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[RSS Pluginy] [CS:GO] Warningshot

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A simple plugin giving Counter-Terrorists the ability to give Terrorists warning shots by holding the USE-key (Default: E) and shooting a terrorist once.
By default, each warningshot makes 15 damage, but this can easily be changed via the config.

How to install
  1. Put warningshot.smx file to your csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder.
  2. Put warningshot.phrases.txt file to your csgo/addons/sourcemod/translations folder.
  3. Restart the server or change map.
sm_warning_colored - How long should the victim of the warning shot be colored? Set to 0 to disable entirely! (Def: 4)
sm_warning_color_R - The RED value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 255)
sm_warning_color_G - The GREEN value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 114)
sm_warning_color_B - The BLUE value of the color the warned T should get. (Def: 0)
sm_warning_damage - How much damage is a warning shot supposed to give? (Def: 15)
sm_warning_version - The current version of the plugin you're running. Don't change this!

API for Developers
PHP Code:
* Gives the specified client a warning shot.
* @param client index of the victim.
* @param client index of the inflictor.
* @return true if succesful.
native bool GiveClientWarningShot(int victimint inflictor);

* Called when a client has been given a warningshot.
* @param The victims' client index.
* @param The attackers' client index.
forward void OnWarningShotGiven(int victimint inflictor); 

Attached Files txt.gifwarningshot.phrases.txt (290 Bytes) (533 Bytes) sp.gifGet Plugin or Get Source (warningshot.sp - 3.5 KB)

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Chcemy pokazać absolutnie wszystkim, że człowiek jest zdolny do rzeczy wielkich! Potrzebujemy tylko waszej pomocy. Dzięki ciężkiej pracy chcemy udowodnić, że razem możemy wszystko! Szukamy ludzi ambitnych i skorych do poświeceń, ludzi którzy są godni, aby dołączyć do globalnej elity społeczności, którą traktuje się jak drugą rodzinę!

Istniejemy od 2014 r.

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