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  1. Użytkownik SH4DY dostał warna 05 maja 2017 - 22:22 od SH4DY. Powód: . Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka: 121231
  2. [ANY] Map History About A simple map history plugin which allows players to type !maps or !maphist to view what maps were played before, time it started, and also the reason it was changed all in a simple menu for all players. Screenshot Installation Copy hl_maphistory.smx to /sourcemod/plugins/ folder Load the plugin in game Enjoy. Cvars Code: maphistory_display_amount - Change the display amount for sm_maphistory (default 5) Compiles here on the forums Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hl_maphistory.sp - 4.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Description: This plugin blocks/limits classes for humans! It can run alongside Class Restrictions For Bots that blocks/limits classes for bots Cvars: PHP Code: sm_crh_enabled 1 //(0/1, default 1) Enable/disable restricting classes for humans in TF2. sm_crh_immunity 0 //(0/1, default 0) Enable/disable admins being immune to restricting classes in TF2. sm_crh_flags "b" //(default "b") Admin flags for immunity against restricting classes in TF2. So admins can use limited/blocked classes. //They are still counted towards the limit. If multiple flags are provided, at least one has to be true. Cvar sm_crh_immunity has to be enabled. sm_crh_classmenu 0 //Enables/disables the class menu popping up when you pick the wrong class. sm_crh_sounds 0 //Enables/disables the Nope sound when you pick the wrong class. sm_crh_blu_demomen -1sm_crh_blu_engineers -1sm_crh_blu_heavies -1sm_crh_blu_medics -1sm_crh_blu_pyros -1sm_crh_blu_scouts -1sm_crh_blu_snipers -1sm_crh_blu_soldiers -1sm_crh_blu_spies -1 // Limits for Blu human classes in TF2. (-1 for no limit, 0 is disabled, 1 or anything higher will be the limit for that class. Default -1) sm_crh_red_demomen -1sm_crh_red_engineers -1sm_crh_red_heavies -1sm_crh_red_medics -1sm_crh_red_pyros -1sm_crh_red_scouts -1sm_crh_red_snipers -1sm_crh_red_soldiers -1sm_crh_red_spies -1 // Limits for Red human classes in TF2. (-1 for no limit, 0 is disabled, 1 or anything higher will be the limit for that class. Default -1) Important info:Plugin limits classes when humans spawn, so if you change limits after they have been spawned then you have to wait until they die or you can slay them (for changes to take effect). REMOVE AN OLDER VERSION OF THIS PLUGIN OR OTHER PLUGINS FOR CLASS RESTRICTION BEFORE INSTALLING THIS PLUGIN! Also, disable the tf2 default classlimit if enabled(the plugin disables this cvar but only once). Autobalance can also cause problems, depending on your settings. Installation: Autogenerates a .cfg file in cfgsourcemod when you load it for the first time. Download the plugin(or the source and compile it yourself) Put the .smx file in tfaddonssourcemodplugins Load the plugin manually/Change the map/Restart the server Changelog: 9.12.2013 - 1.1 - Initial releaseChanges done to the original plugin: - It ignores bots - Autogenerated cfg file in tf/cfg/sourcemod folder - Cvars were renamed to sm_crh_* to be shorter - Check for max humans was added (so if you have more humans than limits, it will change scouts limit to unlimited) - Added game check 10.12.2013 - 1.11 - Removed unnecessary code - Optimized code a bit 21.4.2016 - 1.12 - Changed .wav sounds to .mp3 - Removed the print to all error messages - Logging errors when there are more humans than cvars allow - Added url to this thread 14.06.2016 - 2.00 - Reworked a big part of this plugin - Config file is now called Class_Restrictions_For_Humans - Added flag FCVAR_DONTRECORD for the version cvar so it doesnt appear in the config file - Removed flag FCVAR_PLUGIN - deprecated - Added cvars: sm_crh_text, sm_crh_sounds, sm_crh_classmenu - The plugin will now inform the player that the class is full - Cvar tf_classlimit is now being set to 0 so it doesnt break the plugin - Reworked the functions that check whether there is space for a player - Code optimizations 03.07.2016 - 2.10 - Transitional Syntax - Removed convar change hook for tf_classlimit - Changing m_lifeState when changing classes/teams - Better code readability - Modified version cvar flags 21.07.2016 - 2.11 - Changed handle type for convar handles to ConVar 05.04.2017 - 3.00 - Rewritten the third time - Fixed a bug where players could change to a class that wasnt allowed - The plugin now properly checks the number of players playing that class - Removed sound files from being precached and added to the download table - Code optimization and performance improvements Credits: DJ Tsunami for his team restricting plugin Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ClassRestrictionsForHumans.sp - 12.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Użytkownik bieniuś dostał warna 02 maja 2017 - 22:42 od Dzagu. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 - Usuń możliwość tworzenia zawartości: Całkowicie - Zawieś: Całkowicie Post: {post} Notatka:
  5. Użytkownik Stefan1987 dostał warna 02 maja 2017 - 15:26 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Abusive Behaviour. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: {post} Notatka:
  6. Użytkownik bieniuś dostał warna 02 maja 2017 - 15:25 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka:
  7. Użytkownik `Fuzhou ツ dostał warna 02 maja 2017 - 16:24 od dzagu. Powód: test. Kara: - Punkty: 2 - Usuń punkty: Po 1 godzin Post: {post} Notatka:
  8. Quick Map Changer Tired of typing full map name to change it (!map map_name)? Don't like setting up aliases for maps (!cm map_shortcut)? I've got you covered! Quick map changer is what you're looking for. Usage Just type in chat: !qmc lkn ? Profit, you are now playing on dm_lockdown and you've saved 8 keystrokes! Note: You might have to type more letters if you have a lot of maps with similar names. ...So you've noticed you'd save 9 keystrokes with !cm ld? Yep, that's true, but if you have some (exotic?) map you don't have shortcut for in pms.cfg you'd have to type the whole map name (or just set up a shortcut). If that suits you, then just use !cm. (!cm is a command from Public Match Server Pack from More info No configuration needed It's case sensitive More here: PS. I wrote "HL2DM" in the title, but I think it might work for more games. I tested it only with HL2DM server. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (qmc.sp - 3.9 KB) qmc.phrases.txt (333 Bytes) qmc.smx (5.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. DescriptionOne person is a murderer with a knife, who is trying to secretly kill off the other players. The other players must use their wits to find out who it is and kill them first. Unfortunately they only have the one gun between them. ^ Stolen from here How it works At the start of the round the plugin randomly selects 1 murderer to kill all the innocents and 1 innocent to get a gun. Every 20 seconds after the start of the round the plugin will choose 1 prop_dynamic(_override) to become the new piece of evidence for innocents to find to work towards a gun. ConVars Spoiler murder_min_players - default 3 murder_trail_life - default 5.0 murder_evidence_count - default 3 Todo Spoiler Add an ability for server managers to place their own weapon spawns Block pickup weapon sounds Known Bugs Spoiler None yet (there will be some ) Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Initial Release 1.1 Added stuff I missed when I initially released this 1.2 Prevented Murderers from picking up weapons and removed radar 1.2a Fixed setting a net prop on entities that don't have it Credits The maintainers of the TTT plugin for figuring out how to stop the scoreboard from updating alive/dead Despirator for the env_spritetrail fix Side note to this didn't realize their was already one released whoops oh well more the merry Github Attached Files CSGOMurder.smx (15.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (CSGOMurder.sp - 17.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Hud Write V 1.3 Command : !hwrite <TEXT> !hwrite @@R /<text> !hwrite @g <text> !hwrite @b <text> !hwrite @w <text> !hwrite @y <text> !hwrite @bl <text> Cvars : !cvar mithat_hud_red 255 !cvar mithat_hud_green 0 !cvar mithat_hud_blue 0 !cvar mithat_hud_y 0.45 !cvar mithat_hud_x 0.350 Screen Shots : Script : PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1#pragma newdecls required #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Mithat Guner" //Thanks To shanapu #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2" #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> ConVar hud_red; ConVar hud_green; ConVar hud_blue; ConVar hud_xpos; ConVar hud_ypos; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "HUD Write", author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, description = "HUD Write", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart(){ hud_red = CreateConVar("mithat_hud_red", "255", "RGB RED Color"); hud_green = CreateConVar("mithat_hud_blue", "0", "RGB BLUE Color"); hud_blue = CreateConVar("mithat_hud_green", "0", "RGB GREEN Color"); hud_xpos = CreateConVar("mithat_hud_x", "0.45", "HUD X POS"); hud_ypos = CreateConVar("mithat_hud_y", "0.350", "HUD Y POS"); AutoExecConfig(true, "mithat_hudwrite"); RegAdminCmd("sm_hwrite", write, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "HUD Write - Mithat Guner"); } public Action write(int client, int args){ if ( args < 1) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Use: sm_hwrite <text>"); return Plugin_Handled; } char text[192]; GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)); for( int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if( IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) { SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, GetConVarInt(hud_red), GetConVarInt(hud_blue), GetConVarInt(hud_green), 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); if ( StrContains(text[0], "@r", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@r", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } if ( StrContains(text[0], "@g", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@g", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } if ( StrContains(text[0], "@b", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@b", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } if ( StrContains(text[0], "@w", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@w", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } if ( StrContains(text[0], "@y", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@y", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 255, 255, 51, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } if ( StrContains(text[0], "@bl", false) == 0) { ReplaceString(text, sizeof(text), "@bl", ""); SetHudTextParams(GetConVarFloat(hud_xpos), GetConVarFloat(hud_ypos), 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3); ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } ShowHudText(i, 1, text); } } return Plugin_Handled;} Changelog : Code: V1.1 - Added color change cvars--------------------------------------------- V1.2 - Added position change cvar Added @@R /@g @b commands -------------------------------------------- V1.3 - Changed to new syntax Added more colors @w @y @bl // White, Yellow, Black colors //Special Thanks To shanapu Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mithat_hudwritev1.3.sp - 3.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  11. Installation:server/cfg/sourcemod/plugins/sm_setammo.smx Commands: sm_setammo arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 Usage: Command "sm_setammo" is a server-side, therefore must be used in the server console. 1st argument - client index (1-32); 2nd argument - weapon slot, primary or secondary (0, 1); 3rd argument - clip size (integer); 4th argument - ammo (integer); 5th argument - clip size of upgrade ammo (integer). Example of usage in "Func_Timer" of Speedrunner Tools addon: Code: hPlayer.GiveItem("pistol");SendToServerConsole("sm_setammo " + hPlayer.GetEntityIndex() + " 1 12"); hPlayer.GiveItem("pumpshotgun"); SendToServerConsole("sm_setammo " + hPlayer.GetEntityIndex() + " 0 5 10"); NOTE: Before adding number of upgrade ammo, it is necessary to have it in your weapon. Links: Speedrunner Tools: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_setammo.sp - 3.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. DescriptionAdds a new command that does what the sm_play command did on CS:S and similar games to CS:GO, by reading the sounds directory and precaching/downloading, and using EmitSoundAny to play them to the clients. Commands Spoiler sm_customplay <#userid|name> <filename> Changelog Spoiler 1.0 Initial Release Source All the code in the Command_CustomPlay function besides 1 line is credited to the sounds plugin that was made by Alliedmods Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (FixPlayCommand.sp - 3.2 KB) FixPlayCommand.smx (7.5 KB) (6.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  13. Description Custom MVP anthem for CSGO, with clientprefs support. Install Upload files to your server. Edit configs/kento_mvp.cfg if you want to add more MVP anthem, and don't forget to upload your file to both server and fastdl. Cvars This plugin doesn't have any cvar now. Commands PHP Code: sm_mvp //Select your MVP anthem. Changelog Spoiler 1.0Release. 1.1Some changes in translation. 1.2I forgot to add "true" in PrecacheSound :/ 1.3Try to fix 1.4 Remove EmitSoundAny, now plugin use ClientCommand to play the sound. Rewirte menu. Change all "%t" to "%T". Some changes in phrases. Known BugsGithub Issues To Do Nothing to do now. Donate If you apreciate my work, you can donate me via steam trade offer Git Repo Download Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. [CS:GO] Mark Enemies v.1.0 Description: Quote: Mark your enemies by making them glow and displaying them onto the map for your teammates.You can mark them using the E (use) key or by doing damage. Dependency: Quote: Sourcemod 1.8+ Metamod 1.10+ Installation: Quote: Place markenemies.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Place markenemies.cfg to cfg/sourcemod/ and edit your convars to fit your needs ConVars: Quote: sm_markenemies_enabled - (Default: 1) - Enables/Disables plugin sm_markenemies_duration - (Default: 5.0) - How long should the mark last? sm_markenemies_trigger - (Default: 3) - When should enemies be marked? 1 - Use key, 2 - On damage, 3 - Both sm_markenemies_global - (Default: 1) - Enable for everyone on server, 0 - Off, 1 - On Commands: Quote: sm_markenemies <client> <1:ON | 0:OFF> - Enables mark enemies on players. sm_markenemiesme - Enables mark enemies on yourself. Version Log: Quote: v.1.0 - Release DownloadSource *Got lazy writing this plugin, so here is what i wrote so far* Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. Hello ,This is new plugin was developed by me but i think it's against to the valve policy PHP Code: #include <sourcemod>#include <sdktools> #include <sdkhooks> new String:g_szPlayerManager[50] = ""; // Entities new g_iPlayerManager = -1; // Offsets new g_iPing = -1; #define PLUGIN_URL ""#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "McDaived" public Plugin:myinfo ={ name = "Ping Faker", author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, description = "Change ping for the players on scoreboard", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = PLUGIN_URL }; public OnPluginStart(){ CreateConVar("fp_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_CHEAT|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); g_iPing = FindSendPropOffs("CPlayerResource", "sm_iPing"); decl String:szBuffer[64]; GetGameFolderName(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); if ( StrEqual("cstrike", szBuffer)) strcopy(g_szPlayerManager, sizeof(g_szPlayerManager), "cs_player_manager"); else if ( StrEqual("dod", szBuffer)) strcopy(g_szPlayerManager, sizeof(g_szPlayerManager), "dod_player_manager"); else strcopy(g_szPlayerManager, sizeof(g_szPlayerManager), "player_manager"); CreateTimer(2.0, LoopClients, _, TIMER_REPEAT);} public OnMapStart(){ g_iPlayerManager = FindEntityByClassname(MaxClients + 1, g_szPlayerManager); if ( g_iPlayerManager == -1 || g_iPing == -1) { SetFailState("Something is missing!"); } SDKHook(g_iPlayerManager, SDKHook_ThinkPost, OnThinkPost); } new iPing[MAXPLAYERS+1];public Action:LoopClients(Handle:timer){ for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (! IsClientInGame(i)) continue; new ping = Client_GetFakePing(i, false); if ( ping <= 30) { continue; } else if ( ping <= 50) { iPing[i] = GetRandomInt(20, 25); } else if ( ping <= 90) { iPing[i] = GetRandomInt(50, 55); } else { iPing[i] = GetRandomInt(70, 77); } } } public OnClientDisconnect(client){ iPing[client] = 0;} public OnThinkPost(entity){ for (new target = 1; target <= MaxClients; target++) { if ( iPing[target] != 0) { SetEntData(g_iPlayerManager, g_iPing + (target * 4), iPing[target]); } } } #define TICKS_TO_TIME(%1) ( GetTickInterval() * %1 ) stock Client_GetFakePing(client, bool:goldSource=true){ decl ping; new Float:latency = GetClientLatency(client, NetFlow_Outgoing); // in seconds // that should be the correct latency, we assume that cmdrate is higher // then updaterate, what is the case for default settings decl String:cl_cmdrate[4]; GetClientInfo(client, "cl_cmdrate", cl_cmdrate, sizeof(cl_cmdrate)); new Float:tickRate = GetTickInterval(); latency -= (0.5 / StringToInt(cl_cmdrate)) + TICKS_TO_TIME(1.0); // correct latency if (goldSource) { // in GoldSrc we had a different, not fixed tickrate. so we have to adjust // Source pings by half a tick to match the old GoldSrc pings. latency -= tickRate * 0.5; } ping = RoundFloat(latency * 1000.0); // as msecs ping = Math_Clamp(ping, 5, 1000); // set bounds, dont show pings under 5 msecs return ping;} stock any:Math_Clamp(any:value, any:min, any:max){ value = Math_Min(value, min); value = Math_Max(value, max); return value;} stock any:Math_Max(any:value, any:max){ if ( value > max) { value = max; } return value;} stock any:Math_Min(any:value, any:min){ if ( value < min) { value = min; } return value;} public Action OnClientCommand(int client, int args){ char cmd[16]; GetCmdArg(0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if ( StrEqual(cmd, "p_faker")) { return Plugin_Handled; } return Plugin_Continue;} public void_OnPluginStart(){ RegConsoleCmd("iping", Command_Test);} public Action Command_Test(int client, int args){ char arg[128]; char full[256]; GetCmdArgString(full, sizeof(full)); if ( client) { PrintToServer("Ur Ping : %N"); } else { PrintToServer("done Fake ur Ping."); } PrintToServer("done Fake ur Ping: %s", full); PrintToServer("done Fake ur Ping: %d", args); for ( int i=1; i<=args; i++) { GetCmdArg(i, arg, sizeof(arg)); PrintToServer("Argument %d: %s", i, arg); } return Plugin_Handled;} Attached Files Ping Faker.7z (8.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  16. Here is a quick plugin to help deal with a new cheat feature that allows the user to cause the bomb to instantly explode and to defuse instantly. It will permanently ban a client if the bomb_planted and bomb_exploded or bomb_begindefuse and bomb_defused are less than a second apart. Hopefully this won't be needed for long. Edit: Important, I was half asleep when I wrote this and didn't think through every combination of events. This is entirely my fault for trying to fit the plugin into as few lines as possible. People may have been banned for someone tapping the defuse less than a second before the bomb exploded. I've very sorry ;~; Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (punish_instant_bomb2.sp - 1.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  17. Użytkownik Janush. dostał warna 20 lutego 2017 - 16:29 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 - Moderuj zawartość: 3 dni - Usuń możliwość tworzenia zawartości: 3 dni Post: {post} Notatka:
  18. Użytkownik Janush. dostał warna 18 lutego 2017 - 14:39 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: . Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka: Dawanie postów do złego działu
  19. Użytkownik Daniel33256 dostał warna 17 lutego 2017 - 11:41 od dzagu. Powód: . Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka: Sygnatura
  20. Użytkownik EiwEN dostał warna 30 styczeń 2017 - 09:11 od dzagu. Powód: . Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka: Odkopywanie tematów.
  21. Użytkownik Shv4by dostał warna 27 styczeń 2017 - 15:35 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka:
  22. Użytkownik TheDiabloX dostał warna 26 styczeń 2017 - 21:14 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 999999 - Moderuj zawartość: Całkowicie - Usuń możliwość tworzenia zawartości: Całkowicie - Zawieś: Całkowicie Post: Notatka:
  23. Użytkownik Gitros3 dostał warna 25 styczeń 2017 - 21:13 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka:
  24. Użytkownik B4rt0sz dostał warna 25 styczeń 2017 - 21:09 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka:
  25. Użytkownik UniteD dostał warna 21 styczeń 2017 - 16:44 od `Fuzhou ツ.<br /><br />Powód: Spamowanie.<br />Kara: - Punkty: 1<br /><br />Post:<br />Notatka:


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