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  1. [TF2] Health Kits/Ammo Packs Model Lock!Decription: -This plugin was originaly private, but after a scripting request, and how useful it could be for all servers I decided to make it public. -This plugin blocks healkits and ammo packs from changing their models through different vision/gamemode. Changelog: Spoiler 0.0.1b 05/05/2016-Initial Public release. 0.0.1 07/02/2016-Initial Private release. Installation: -Just drag and drop the .smx file into your plugins folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (healthkitsammopack_modellock.sp - 4.9 KB) healthkitsammopack_modellock.smx (5.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  2. SM Parachute Version: 2.6 Authors: SWAT_88, n00b32 Original version : Commands: Press E(+use) to slow down your fall. No more binding Keys! Write !bp or !buy_parachute in Chat to buy a parachute (Only if cost > 0) ! Write !sp or !sell_parachute in Chat to sell your parachute (Only if cost > 0) ! Cvars: sm_parachute_enabled "1" - 0: disables the plugin - 1: enables the plugin sm_parachute_fallspeed "100" - speed of the fall when you use the parachute sm_parachute_linear "1" - 0: disables linear fallspeed -1: enables it sm_parachute_msgtype "1" - 0: disables Information -1: Chat -2: Panel -3: BottomCenter sm_parachute_cost "0" - cost of the parachute (CS ONLY) (If cost = 0 then free for everyone) sm_parachute_payback "75" - how many percent of the parachute cost you get when you sell your parachute (ie. 75% of 1000 = 750$) sm_parachute_welcome "1" - 0: disables Welcome Message -1: enables it sm_parachute_roundmsg "1" - 0: disables Round Message - 1: enables it sm_parachute_model "1" - 0: dont use the model - 1: display the Model sm_parachute_decrease "50" - 0: dont use Realistic velocity-decrease - x: sets the velocity-decrease. sm_parachute_button "1" - 1: uses button +USE for parachute usage. - 2: uses button +JUMP. Changes to SWAT_88's version : The parachute is an attached entity to the player, no need for position updates, runs completly smoothly and is attached (positioned) correctly. If the parachute is free the commands for buying/selling it are disabled. Some optimizations. Known quirks/bugs : If you look directly down while parachuting ( ) you will see the model sticking out, either need to position the model slightly to the back of the player (offset) or change the model so its smaller. The models animations might be broken... I have no idea why the dont work. Gravity is not yet handled nicely. The attachment point is "primary". I will try to incorporate all the translations/fixes into this as I go, this is a work in progress but totally usable and very nice visually. I tried to enable animations but either Im doing it wrong or the model's animations are broken - Im not a designer so I wont be able to fix that (at least not at the moment) WARNING The sm_parachute.smx in the repo is probably out of date, recompile it ! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. SM Parachute Version: 2.6 Authors: SWAT_88, n00b32 Original version : Commands: Press E(+use) to slow down your fall. No more binding Keys! Write !bp or !buy_parachute in Chat to buy a parachute (Only if cost > 0) ! Write !sp or !sell_parachute in Chat to sell your parachute (Only if cost > 0) ! Cvars: sm_parachute_enabled "1" - 0: disables the plugin - 1: enables the plugin sm_parachute_fallspeed "100" - speed of the fall when you use the parachute sm_parachute_linear "1" - 0: disables linear fallspeed -1: enables it sm_parachute_msgtype "1" - 0: disables Information -1: Chat -2: Panel -3: BottomCenter sm_parachute_cost "0" - cost of the parachute (CS ONLY) (If cost = 0 then free for everyone) sm_parachute_payback "75" - how many percent of the parachute cost you get when you sell your parachute (ie. 75% of 1000 = 750$) sm_parachute_welcome "1" - 0: disables Welcome Message -1: enables it sm_parachute_roundmsg "1" - 0: disables Round Message - 1: enables it sm_parachute_model "1" - 0: dont use the model - 1: display the Model sm_parachute_decrease "50" - 0: dont use Realistic velocity-decrease - x: sets the velocity-decrease. sm_parachute_button "1" - 1: uses button +USE for parachute usage. - 2: uses button +JUMP. Changes to SWAT_88's version : The parachute is an attached entity to the player, no need for position updates, runs completly smoothly and is attached (positioned) correctly. If the parachute is free the commands for buying/selling it are disabled. Some optimizations. Known quirks/bugs : If you look directly down while parachuting ( ) you will see the model sticking out, either need to position the model slightly to the back of the player (offset) or change the model so its smaller. The models animations might be broken... I have no idea why the dont work. Gravity is not yet handled nicely. The attachment point is "primary". I will try to incorporate all the translations/fixes into this as I go, this is a work in progress but totally usable and very nice visually. I tried to enable animations but either Im doing it wrong or the model's animations are broken - Im not a designer so I wont be able to fix that (at least not at the moment) WARNING The sm_parachute.smx in the repo is probably out of date, recompile it ! Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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Chcemy pokazać absolutnie wszystkim, że człowiek jest zdolny do rzeczy wielkich! Potrzebujemy tylko waszej pomocy. Dzięki ciężkiej pracy chcemy udowodnić, że razem możemy wszystko! Szukamy ludzi ambitnych i skorych do poświeceń, ludzi którzy są godni, aby dołączyć do globalnej elity społeczności, którą traktuje się jak drugą rodzinę!

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Strona zarządzana przez: Adam Plicha

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