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  1. Cluster Grenade Throw multiple grenades at once in a cluster. GitHub [Only use this for unstable developer versions] CVARs sm_cluster_enable - Cluster Grenade enable? 0 = disable, 1 = enable(1[DEFAULT]) sm_cluster_amount - Number of grenades in the cluster.(3[DEFAULT]) sm_cluster_type - 0 = All, 1 = HE, 2 = Flashbang, 3 = Smoke, 4 = Molotov / Incendiary, 5 = Decoy.(1[DEFAULT]) sm_cluster_radius - Radius in which the cluster spawns around the main grenade.(7.0[DEFAULT]) There may be a problem with smoke grenades, still unconfirmed. Special thanks to Bacardi for this piece of code. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (ClusterGrenade.sp - 4.5 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  2. Description: ~This is simple Weapon restriction for TF2 Jump server Feature: ~Block "The B.A.S.E Jumper" ~Block "Demoman shields" *more feature in future Convar: Quote: jumpswr_version 1.0 - Version sm_jumpswr_enable 1 - Enable the plugin sm_jumpswr_removeparachute 1 - Block "The B.A.S.E Jumper" sm_jumpswr_removedemoshield 1 - Block "Demoman shields" Install: Click "Get Plugin" and move jumpswr.smx to ./plugins/ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (jumpswr.sp - 2.4 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  3. Użytkownik CGGGGG dostał warna 26 sierpnia 2017 - 09:31 od `Fuzhou ツ. Powód: Spamowanie. Kara: - Punkty: 1 Post: Notatka:
  4. This plugin fixes a rather silly bug in L4D2 where for some Steam Groups, setting sv_steamgroup correctly will link to a different Steam Group on the MOTD. This is required for anyone with a Steam Group ID higher than 16777216 (and only for those people) for the Join Group button to work correctly. Technical description: Spoiler ConVars in the L4D2 engine are represented by 3 internal values, a string value, a float value, and an int value. When you set and query a convar using the console or a config file it is the string value that is written and read. Setting one of these values sets the other two to appropriate values if applicable - so if the string value is set to "foo", the string value is "foo" and the int and float values are 0, if the value is "4.5" the string value is "4.5", the float value 4.5, and the int value 4. However, when setting the string value, the integer value is set from the float value, not directly. The bug here is that floating point numbers have a range where they have integer precision that is much smaller than integer numbers. Single-precision floats (as used here) can represent accurate integers between -16,777,216 and 16,777,216 whereas a signed integer can represent between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 - a significant difference! (a Steam Group ID is actually an unsigned integer, which is 0 to 4,294,967,295, but these are not currently supported in SourcePawn or in cvars in L4D2.) This means that if your Steam Group ID is higher than 16777216, the integer value for sv_steamgroup is incorrect (it'll be either 2 or 4 numbers off in either direction depending on how much higher your group's ID is than the limit), and this is what the game uses to build the group URL on the MOTD. This plugin parses the string value whenever sv_steamgroup is changed and sets the integer value to the correct number directly. Enjoy! Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sv_steamgroup_fixer.sp - 1.4 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  5. Name: Health & Armor Vampirism Description: Leech health and armor from killed zombies. Set initial amount of the armor. It's rewritten and improwed [NMRiH] Health Vampirism. Attachment 165115 Installation: Place compiled plugin (cure_vampirism.smx) into the plugins folder (../addons/sourcemod/plugins/). Need SM1.8_stable to compile CVars: nmrih_hav_version - Plugin's version sm_hav_enable - Enables/disables leech health from killed zombies sm_hav_hint - The display current player's health in the: 1 = hint, 0 = HUD sm_vampirism_hint - sm_hav_max_hp - The maximum amount of health, which can get a player for killing zombies sm_hav_max_ap - The maximum amount of armor, which can get a player for killing zombies sm_hav_start_ap - Amount of armor, which can get a player after spawn sm_hav_kill - Health/Armor gained from kill sm_hav_headshot - Health/Armor gained from headshot sm_hav_fire - Health/Armor gained from burning zombie Attached Images nmrih_hav.jpg (18.0 KB) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nmrih_hav 1.0.0.sp - 9.0 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  6. Description Hey there. I run about 3 servers and constantly have people coming in and typing !knife. It annoys me because it's not in the title of my server they just assume it's there and don't realize Valve's set rules. In response to all this, I made a simple chat message plugin when people type !knife it says the phrase: We do not have this plugin because it's against Valve's TOS. We are children of Jesus. This plugin is specifically for CS:GO P.S. I'm fairly new to making plugins so go easy on me. I usually only mess around with HTML. Commandssm_knife Installation Drag knife.sp into your scripting folder Drag knife.smx into your plugins folder Code PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #include <sourcemod> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "My Fifth Plugin", author = "Deez Newtons (Cure Aaron)", description = "Basically a message plugin", version = "1.0", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_knife", Command_Print); } public Action Command_Print(int client, int args) { if (IsClientInGame(client)) { PrintToChat(client, "We do not have this plugin because it's against Valve's TOS. We are children of Jesus."); } return Plugin_Handled; } Extra Notes I will probably be adding a sound to this and add !gloves and !ws to it as well. Currently, !ws and !gloves plugins I've just recently made after this one, will eventually be merged into this one. If there are any bugs I will do my best to figure out how to fix them but keep in mind I am new. Thanks for reading and hopefully this ends some of your frustrations too! Attached Files knife.smx (3.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (knife.sp - 604 Bytes) knife (4.7 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  7. Simple plugin that mutes prisoners, except admins. Make sure you have sv_alltalk 1 and sv_deadtalk 0. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (jb_voice.sp - 912 Bytes) Pełny artykuł:
  8. FortWarsGO v1.0 Description: This plugin is a remake of matheus' FortWarsTF2 plugin for CSGO ( As the game starts, you are able to build whatever you want with props. After setup/build state is over, the barrier in the middle of the map will break and capture the flag mode is enabled. Deathmatch mode is enabled. ConVars: Quote: fortwarsgo_flag_return_time - 30 - The amount of time in seconds it takes until the flag returns to its spawn if its left somewhere fortwarsgo_setup_time - 3 - The amount of time in minutes each team got to build fortwarsgo_match_time - 7 - The amount of time in minutes one round lasts fortwarsgo_respawn_time - 10 - The amount of time in seconds until player respawns fortwarsgo_amount_of_score_to_win - 5 - The amount of score needed to win the round fortwarsgo_money_per_team - 30000 - The amount of money that should be split to all players per team fortwarsgo_max_props_per_team - 700 - The amount of props the team can have Commands: Quote: Admin Commands: sm_reloadprops - Reloads the prop config (If you wanna edit it mid game) Regular Commands: sm_fw - Opens up the main FortWars menu sm_build - Opens up the main FortWars menu sm_props - Opens up the props menu sm_remove - Removes the prop you look at (If its yours) sm_guns - Opens up guns menu sm_stuck - Respawns the player (Only works in setup/build mode) Prop Config Example: PHP Code: "Props" { "Box" { "model" "models/props/cs_assault/dryer_box.mdl" "price" "20" "health" "200" } } Installation: Spoiler Literally drop all the contents in SteamCMDsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensive Beta - Dedicated Servercsgo To mappers: I will be including the .vmf of the map I made, just incase you have problems PHP Code: //These entities with names are REQUIRED for your fortwars map - func_breakable ("fortwarsgo_barrier"); // More than one of these entities may exist, aslong as they have the same name - info_target ("fortwarsgo_ct_flag_spawn"); - info_target ("fortwarsgo_t_flag_spawn"); - trigger_multiple ("fortwarsgo_ct_capture_zone"); // More than one of these entities may exist, aslong as they have the same name - trigger_multiple ("fortwarsgo_t_capture_zone"); // (More than one of these entities may exist, aslong as they have the same name - trigger_multiple ("fortwarsgo_t_build_zone"); // (Should cover every part of the map Ts should be able to build at) More than one of these entities may exist, aslong as they have the same name - trigger_multiple ("fortwarsgo_ct_build_zone"); // (Should cover every part of the map CTs should be able to build at) More than one of these entities may exist, aslong as they have the same name Preview: Extra: I have not really balanced the money and props per team. Changelog: Spoiler v1.0 Release Credits Me Pelipoika (Code stuff) Boomix (Flag model and some code stuff) Matheus28 ( DOWNLOAD Pełny artykuł:
  9. Fixing issue game_player_equip (after update 2017.08.17) that usp_silencer was impossible get. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (game_player_equip_fix_usp.sp - 1,020 Bytes) Pełny artykuł:
  10. [CS:GO]Simple Donators Menu Description: I made this plugin for my community ( VoidGaming ) as a simple and manual donators menu. It's easy to use and personalize. Commands: sm_donators - Show's the donators menu sm_showdonators - Show's the donators menu to a selected player Cvar's: sm_donatorsmenu_version - Defines the version of the Rules Menu installed on this server sm_donatorsmenu_join - Enables/disables if a player joins the server to show the donators menu. sm_donatorsmenu_announce_player - Announce if a player is checking the donators menu with a message in chat. sm_donatorsmenu_announce_admin - Announce if an admin is using the showdonators command with a message in chat. Changelog: 2017-08-22 (v1.0) * Initial release. Credits: The.Hardstyle.Bro^_^ He created the rules plugin, I just modified it as I needed, all the credits go to him. Also is the first time I post something, don't be rude, please. Attached Files (11.0 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (simpledonatorsmenu.sp - 4.9 KB) simpledonatorsmenu.smx (6.8 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  11. Button Detector Version: 1.0.0 | Made by: FusionLock - Fusion Developments Description: Quote: This is a super simple plugin that detects button presses and releases. This is based on a code snippet released by "psychonic" (Thread by psychonic) This plugin has two forwards, OnButtonPressed and OnButtonReleased, you use them like any other forward you would. Examples: Code: public void OnButtonPressed(int iClient, int iButton) { PrintToChat(iClient, "You pressed %i", iButton); } Code: public void OnButtonReleased(int iClient, int iButton) { PrintToChat(iClient, "You released %i", iButton); } Here's a video proving that the plugin works: Button List PHP Code: #define ATTACK 1 #define JUMP 2 #define DUCK 4 #define FORWARD 8 #define BACK 16 #define USE 32 #define CANCEL 64 #define LEFT 128 #define RIGHT 256 #define MOVELEFT 512 #define MOVERIGHT 1024 #define ATTACK2 2048 #define RUN 4096 #define RELOAD 8192 #define ALT1 16384 #define ALT2 32768 #define SCORE 65536 #define SPEED 131072 #define WALK 262144 #define ZOOM 524288 #define WEAPON1 1048576 #define WEPAON2 2097152 #define BULLRUSH 4194304 #define GRENADE1 8388608 #define GRENADE2 16777216 #define ATTACK3 33554432 Usage: Quote: To use this in your plugin make sure buttondetector.smx is running and add this include to your plugin and use the forwards like normal. Code: #include <buttondetector> Browse The Source Code Download The Plugin Attached Files (6.9 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  12. Description Fed up that SM doesn't support Case-Insensitive chat commands? Here's a fix for you. I don't know why this isn't built into SM itself. Installing Copy / Compile the Plugin. Changelog Download Example !ImACOMMaND, !BURn @all 3, !frEEZe @ct 5 Pełny artykuł:
  13. Description Ever had the dull feeling that basic / standard AM plugins included with all installations were missing that touch of color? Here I'm introducing Base Plugins+. This will effectivly package all plugins AM is included with into one plugin with a modifiable config which you can configure to change colors and enable / disable modules. Additional Info I have not gotten around to re-adding the commands back into !admin yet. Also I've not re-wrote all the base plugins yet. Down below you can see which modules have been re-written and which haven't. I will try to stick to a new module being completed a day. Installing Copy / Compile the Plugin. /plugins/Base-Plugins-Plus.smx | /scripting/Base-Plugins-Plus.sp Copy all Translation Files. Reload the map in-order to cache the Translations files. Changelog Download Translations If you would like to contribute to the Translations, feel free to submit a pull request with the translations for your language respectively done. Thanks. Modules ✓ - Player Commands ✓ - Base Commands ✓ - Fun Commands Config PHP Code: "BasePlugins" { "prefix" "[{blue}SM{white}]" // All Colors Listed Below "text" "{white}" "data" "{yellow}" "admin" "{orange}" "target" "{red}" "basecommands" "1" // 1 = Enabled | 0 = Disabled "funcommands" "1" "playercommands" "1" } Colors: Example Pełny artykuł:
  14. Description: This plugin provides additional features for other plugin. Working as core. It can check player is in steam group. Commands: swgm_check — force check all connected players. swgm_list— list of players with group info. Cvars: swgm_groupid — identifier of your steam group. swgm_timer — interval beetwen checks. Requirements: Sourcemod 1.8+ SteamWorks Instalation: Put files from archive into your Sourcemod folder. Open group administration panel and copy identifier, then set it in swgm_groupid. (Don't forget edit cfg/sourcemod/swgm.cfg) GitHub: SWGM Archive contains these modules:Command Listener - block commands SM (some client side commands as kill may work). Attached Files (18.2 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  15. Hi all. The plugin gives the admin color. PHP Code: ADMFLAG_ROOT - Red ADMFLAG_GENERIC - Blue ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1 - Green Attached Files l4d_colors admin.smx (4.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_colors admin.sp - 646 Bytes) Pełny artykuł:
  16. Allows medic to heal RED and BLU teams. Plugin doesn't have any cvars or commands. Just install it. Installation: Place tf2_allow_enemy_heal.smx in addons/sourcemod/plugins/ Place tf2.koh.enemyheal.txt in addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ Changelog: Quote: 1.0.0 (17/08/2017) * Initial release. ! WARNING: Didn't test on Linux, I'll be appreciated for some tests if you can. Attached Files tf2.koh.enemyheal.txt (630 Bytes) tf2_allow_enemy_heal.smx (4.7 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (tf2_allow_enemy_heal.sp - 1.8 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  17. This is a simple addon for splewis's Multi-1v1 plugin. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (multi1v1_knife.sp - 768 Bytes) multi1v1_knife.smx (13.6 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  18. This is a simple addon for splewis's Multi-1v1 plugin. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (multi1v1_deagle1tap.sp - 1.6 KB) multi1v1_deagle1tap.smx (14.4 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  19. Build Status: Better Warden on Github Description Better Warden is a new feature-packed and advanced warden system for CS:GO Jailbreak-Servers! What differs this plugin from other Warden plugins is the fact that you have much more configurable options for the base plugin. Not only can you fully configure this plugin to match your server perfectly; this plugin also provides a fully functioning Warden Menu that the warden can access. Features Warden Base Plugin Spoiler Allows the warden to toggle noblock rules for the current round. Provides a hint-box displaying who's warden and how many players there are in each team. Possible to prevent the same client of becoming warden twice in a row. Allows warden to open cell doors via a command (Needs to be configured with SJD). Allows the warden's playermodel to be colored. This can be configured. Blue as default! Warden Menu Spoiler Weapons Spawns the chosen weapon to the warden. These weapons are available: AK47 M4A1-S M4A4 AWP P90 Negev Scout Player Freeday Give a certain player or players freeday, with a beacon letting everyone know that they have a freeday! Event Days Spoiler Freeday Gives every terrorist a freeday where they can roam around and explore the map without any other specific rules, unless the warden says so. Restricted Freeday Same as a freeday, except for that terrorists carrying a weapon will be shot upon sight. Warden can also say that terrorists are not allowed to enter armory, which should also result in them being KOS. Hide n' Seek Terrorists are hiders and Counter-Terrorists are seekers. If sm_cmenu_hns_godmode is set to 1, terrorists will be unable to kill Counter-Terrorists. Warday Terrorists shall head directly to the armory while Counter-Terrorists will run away during this time. Warden is supposed to say a time when war starts, at that time all terrorists will go out and hunt down the remaining counter-terrorists. Gravity Freeday Freeday except that everyone has a low gravity. This event can be modified to only give a certain team gravity or everyone with the cvar sm_cmenu_gravity_team. Requirements Smart Jail Doors by Kailo SDKHooks (Included with SM as of 1.5) Download! Useful Links How to Install Commands ConVars API Report a bug / Issues Github Pełny artykuł:
  20. I made this plugin for practicing sourcemod when I was a beginner of sourcemod. This plugin has MANY BUGS and skills are just demonstrations. Requirements: morecolors, tf2items No Cvars. Language are Koreans. Enjoy. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (overwatch_old.sp - 127.2 KB) overwatch_old.smx (57.2 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  21. This is a simple addon for splewis's Multi-1v1 plugin. Btw it disable the scope while you are in No-Scope fight! Attached Files multi1v1_noscope.smx (14.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (multi1v1_noscope.sp - 1.5 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  22. Description A Simple Plugin allowing Admins to view all chat across the Server. Including Team Chat, Spec Chat and Dead Chat. Installing Copy / Compile the Plugin. /plugins/Admin-Util-Chat.smx | /scripting/Admin-Util-Chat.sp Copy all Translation Files. Reload the map in-order to cache the Translations files. Changelog Download Translations If you would like to contribute to the Translations, feel free to submit a pull request with the translations for your language respectively done. Thanks. Example Pełny artykuł:
  23. Description Was looking for this kind of plugin for my server and couldn't find anything. Pretty useful to mark certain spots on map until it changes. Has only been tested on CSGO but I think it would work on other games Lets players "paint" on walls by using +paint command. The paint looks more like dots, but its the best textures I could find. Textures were found in a friends materials folder, if it belongs to anyone I'll try to find something else. If anyone finds anything better let me know. Features Let's users add paint (more like dots) on map, with different colours and sizes. To remove current paints from your screen you can use r_cleardecals. Command List +paint - When held down places paint where client is looking sm_paintcolour/sm_paintcolor - Opens menu that lets client choose from various colours sm_paintsize - Opens menu that lets client choose from sizes Changelog1.0 - Initial release Installation instructions Add the .smx to plugins folder and add the decal textures (.vmt and .vtf) to materials/decals/paint Plans Might make a config file to easily add/change paint textures and sizes Credits to Mitchell who made LAZERRRSSSSSS!! ( and to altex who made Paintball ( Some code/ideas taken from both. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (paint.sp - 6.9 KB) (28.3 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  24. [CSGO]VIP System Version 1.0: This vip system is a simple plugin that many people need, so I decided to make it and publish it. This system allow you: Add&Remove Online/Offline VIPs Add/Remove VIPs For Time VIP Features No need in flags! VIP Features: Custom Chat Tag Tag Color Name Color Chat Color Start With Full Armor Start With Defuse Kit Start With 10 HP bonus All The Features In 1 Menu And Can Be Also Used In Commands Commands: sm_addvip - Adds A VIP(example: sm_addvip s4muray 1) - Root Only! sm_removevip - removes a VIP(example: sm_removevip s4muray) - Root only! sm_vip - Opens the VIP menu - Only VIPs can access it! sm_tag - Change your tag - only VIPs! sm_tagcolor - Opens a menu with colors, the selected color will be the tag color - VIPs Onl;y! sm_namecolor - Same as tag color but the selected color will be the name color - VIPs Only! sm_chatcolors - Same as tag and chat colors but the selected color will be the chat text color - VIPs Only! Cvars:None Installation: Download the SMX file to your computer Download the Simple Chat Processor if you dont have it Upload the SMX file to "addons/sourcemod/plugins" Create a database entry named "vipsystem" Change map or restart your server Enjoy the VIP System! To compile: Download the SP file Download the file Upload the file to your compiler Edit what you want to Compile Changelog: Spoiler 1.0 - Realsed! If you Appreciate my work you can donate me in Paypal or in Trade Offer Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (csgovip.sp - 14.9 KB) csgovip.smx (12.7 KB) Pełny artykuł:
  25. Hello guys, WebLinks is a Web Shortcuts replacement Preview Installation: Move WebLinks.txt to your addons/sourcemod/configs folder. Move .smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. Restart server/Change map Features:WebLinks recognizes if entered url is valid and exists LIST OF SERVERS USING THIS PLUGIN Required! - SteamWorks Config preview: Code: // Usage: "trigger/key" "Window size" address // Window size can be: normal or height=xxx,width=xxx // Variables: {NAME}, {STEAMID}, {STEAMID64}, {SERVER_IP}, {SERVER_PORT} "google" "normal" "youtube" "normal" "tracker" "normal" "!facebook" "height=1010,width=1920" Todo: ConVars More info Change log: Code: Version 1.0: - Initial commit Download Get Plugin|Get Source Pełny artykuł:


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